I would watch this film again, as it is a good example
of an overall well-done period piece. Actually, it reminded
me of other film adaptations of literary works I watched
in several of my English classes in college (e.g. Moll
Flanders, Tom Jones, etc.) And while I don't think
that my friends would be particularly interested in this
genre (it would probably bring back flashbacks of college!),
I would definitely recommend it to my English teacher
friends as something to show in their classes.
A very good job for a period film and a debut project
from Jay Stern. Camerawork would greatly benefit from
some form of steadicam to get smooth moving shots to help
break up long scenes of dialogue. Lighting and editing
were kept simple, but well-done and appropriate to the
film. More elaborate and emotive background music would
really help enhance how the audience interprets a scene.
If this is what Stern comes out swinging with, I can't
wait to see what he can do when he gets warmed up!