Themes: You
can also modify the color scheme of Vegas to make
it appear the way you'd like it to look. Perhaps you'd like
to have a more traditional, dark/smoked appearance in Vegas.
No problem, just create a new Windows theme, and Vegas
will apply that theme to the appearance of the application.
(DVD Architect will do the same thing) In the image
below, I've inserted one of the darker themes created for
the Vegas 5 FASST DVD. You can download a dozen themes
from this site.
can also save up to ten template layouts for Sony
Vegas 5 or 6. Use these layouts for various
editing tasks, or use them for each editor on a single
computer system. For instance, you might have a layout
for color correction, or a specific layout for audio
mixing, and another layout for rough cutting.
create a layout, set Vegas up the way you want,
with each docking window in place. Then press CTRL+ALT+D
all at the same time, and then select one of the 10
keys on the keypad. (not the numpad) This will store
the template to that key. As mentioned before, you
may store up to 10 layouts.
the layouts by pressing ALT+D and then the number
location to be recalled.
Lécaudé has created a really great script
that allows you to put layouts on a single button,
and will also allow you to recall those layouts on
a single button. You can download the free script
it's easy to make Vegas fit your vision of how you'd
like to work. Spending a couple of hours working with layouts,
themes, and preferences, and Vegas becomes your video
slave to the form and style that you'd prefer to work within.
Spotted Eagle is an instructor at VASST
, a division of the Sundance Media group that deals with training
in Sony Vegas, as well as other software programs. An expert on Vegas,
he has written hundreds of articles and tutorials for the software.