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Slamdance 2010, Pg. 6

Monday morning in Park City.

The atmosphere, especially at Slamdance, is friendly, open and has the over all sense of camaraderie. If you are a filmmaker, I highly recommend going to Park City during the Sundance/Slamdance festivals. You get to see cutting edge cinema and have the opportunity to meet the filmmakers and others who love and support indies. And if you are into skiing, I’m told the slopes are amazing. (Unfortunately, a knee injury prevents me from trying.) I would advise going to Park City with friends to help cut the cost by splitting the overpriced hotel rooms and sharing cabs. The food in Park City is neither fast nor inexpensive, though there are edible promotional giveaways on the streets and Slamdance was sponsored in part by Monster, Pom Wonderful and Luna Bars, so there were snacks to eat and beverages to drink. I can’t wait until an entrepreneur brings a gourmet taco truck to Main Street as speed is not a virtue for the Park City restaurants. And, finally, remember to dress for snow and cold weather. I saw many a hipster walking in soaked retro Nikes or Chuck Taylors on Friday, but very few after that. I’m sure they paid exorbitant prices for boots they should have brought.

The next generation of film talent resides in Park City every January. If you can swing it, make the trip and take home inspiration to use on your own projects.

Travis Richardson is a writer and filmmaker currently living in Los Angeles. He sits on the board of Scriptwriters Network and has several projects in the works. To find out more about him, please go to

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