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Software Review: Carrara 6 Pro, Pg. 3

Need Some Help? The program includes a range of prebuilt scenes that you can open and explore. It also has a nice range of video tutorials. The documentation is adequate but is being tuned up and will be available shortly, including newer video segments as well, I’m told. (Why it wasn’t updated to coincide with the software release I don’t know.) Because of Carrara’s origins there are some very friendly and helpful user-group communities, as well, that can help people unfamiliar with the software, answer all sorts of questions around the clock, in multiple languages: DAZ’s forums,,, and others, are all great enclaves to go to. Many of the other “pro” 3D applications don’t have friendly forums because pro’s usually don’t loiter around forums (they’re busy hitting deadlines or taking aspirin) and much of what they do falls under proprietary usage, anyhow.)

Depth of Options
This is where there is an additional “wow” factor if you’ve worked with other 3D applications before - especially considering Carrara’s cost. If you’re new to 3D you can simply say, “Cool!” As of C6 Pro, Carrara can do pretty much anything. It would be easier to list the things it can’t do because the list is much shorter. I’d encourage you to visit the feature list at the DAZ web site. That way I won’t take up too much space here.

Here are some of the killer features/options for the filmmaker’s environment:

  • Don’t have time to model or animate everything for your scene? Carrara reads LightWave, 3DS, Wavefront, FBX, and BioVision (BVH) motion files allowing you to import a huge range of stock 3D objects and animated character motion files to better hit deadlines on budget.

  • Shot the take but need to add 3D content to your scene in Post? Use Syntheyes or MatchMover to track camera movement, import the data into Carrara and Carrara’s camera will imitate the actual camera movement syncing your render movement to the live action.

  • Need to export the Camera data from Carrara to AE? Just do it. You can export a full range G-buffers with the Carrara scene allowing you to change the 3d lighting, Depth of Field, Alpha masking, in Post with programs like Shake, Motion and AE.

  • Want 3D alpha masks that honor the transparency of 3D objects for compositing over live footage? Done.

  • You created a custom monster but need to animate its motion, including knocking over stuff with real physics? You have the complete tool set to do that.

  • Want a mulit-cam take of a single animated scene? Create as many cameras as you want and output the individual “filmed” animations from the different cameras.

  • Need a virtual set for your Green-screen action? Create a photo realistic, animated backdrop. (Take a look at a background I created for MFM’s 3D Roundup this issue with Carrara 6 Pro.)

  • Need the animations done in your lifetime? C6P ships with a 5 node/computer render farm. You can get a license for additional computers if you want.

  • Want Carrara to export a texture map that you can tune up or change in Photoshop? Do it with the UV mapping tools.

  • Like all of the custom texture building options but want more? Third party developers have created incredibly sophisticated add-ons/plug-ins at very, very reasonable prices. (As compared, say, to 3DS Max or Lightwave.)

These are just a few of the newer features. It has, in fact, such a long feature set that it might put you into a coma if we reprinted it all here. If you would like to see everything, check it out at DAZ’s Carrara Features page. (Additionally, to see the differences between Carrara 6 Pro and other software packages go to DAZ’s comparison chart )

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