The Los Angeles Film School, located in the heart of Hollywood, has been serving the community and its students since 1999. One of such services that the School provides to its students and graduates is the opportunity to produce a real-life TV show which airs on TV stations all across North America. This opportunity is made possible through the school’s partnership with SKEE TV.
Peace On Film: The Untold Stories of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates (Article)
Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, an award-winning filmmaking series and youths from all over the world: these are some components that make up PeaceJam, a non-profit organization that captures the life story of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates on film. The organization also provides a means for these Nobel Peace Prize winners to teach young people the art of peace, and to date, over one million young adults from thirty-nine countries worldwide have participated in the year-long PeaceJam program.
The Evolving Cinema Experience: Past, Present and Future (Article)
The cinema experience is evolving and the data graphic below on The Cinematic Experience, which was produced by Vouchercloud, explains the innovative changes that have and are taking place. First, the state of cinemas is explained with spotlights on various countries and their cinema market. Then, technology is examined, from the past movie reel to digital tech, looking at how interactivity has dominated the movie scene. Social media and app engagement are then explored to understand how they can be leveraged in this space. Lastly, various types of cinema experiences are highlighted.
Winners Announced: NFMLA Debuts New Crop of Filmmakers (Event/Article)
The 5th annual On Location event presented by New Filmmakers Los Angeles took place on October 10, 2015 at the Hollywood Center Studios in Los Angeles, CA. The evening included a red-carpet screening and award ceremony, food by Pink’s hot dogs, a full bar, and an after-party!
Make Your Movie: NewFilmmakers Los Angeles To Host Annual “On Location” Event (Event/Article)
NewFilmmakers Los Angeles (NFMLA) will be hosting its annual On Location event on Saturday, October 10, 2015, at the Hollywood Center Studios and will be hosted by comedian Guy Branum (Chelsea Lately, Totally Biased). The project –presented in partnership with a host of sponsors such as MovieMaker Magazine, the New York Film Academy, Starbreeze Studios and Hollywood Center Studios-- presents a series of one-to-five-minute-long short films aimed at showcasing the city of Los Angeles through the eyes of each filmmaker.
Adobe Creative Cloud: IBC Updates (Preview)
Those Creative Cloud updates keep on coming, and at this years’ IBC, Adobe announced the new features that will have everyone in post production pressing the “download” button.