As we prepare for John Badham's new book, John Badham on Directing, it seemed a great time to look at some advice from his last book, Creative Wars: I'll be In My Trailer. This piece comes straight from John Badham’s experience as a director and it rings just as true for the microfilmmaker with a $3000 budget as it does for the Hollywood director with a $300 million budget. However, these rules are perhaps most important to the microfilmmaker, because a microfilmmaker doesn’t have a studio sending someone to babysit him on his film and, if he screws the rules up, he doesn’t have the financial resources to recast it...
Rock It Like Spielberg: Color Isolation Effect with Colorista II (Tutorial)
Ever wanted to give your film some real Hollywood magic? We've all seen the incredible shot in Spielberg's Schindler's List, where everything is in black and white except for the little girl's cloak, which is red. Bet you wish you could do something equally powerful with color! Well, Michele Yamazaki from Toolfarm explains how to...
Kickstarted (Redux): How to Effectively Use Crowd Funding Sites (Article)
As sites like Kickstarter and Indie Go-Go continue to grow in popularity, and more and more projects start knocking on the door for small donations, the importance of knowing how to properly use such sites becomes what will separate motivated, capable artists from the hordes of amateur wanna-be's whose projects won't ever make it off the ground, with or without your $10.
Audio Tips That Every Microfilmmaker STILL Needs
I've decided to address one of the rampant problems in the micro-film community. It's the A-word that your mom would have washed your mouth out with soap for saying. That's right, it's: audio.
Getting Near Perfect Video From Your New Camera: The Basics
When you get a new camera, the first thing you want to know is: what are the best settings to make it look like a million dollars? The short answer: you're already asking the wrong questions. This does not mean there aren't ways to tweak your camera, but those are final touches to some much more preliminary understandings. The radio station you listen to while you drive your car is a much later choice than learning how to drive your car in the first place.