We're excited to announce that there is a special extension for our big Corel contest! You now have until January 31 to test out Corel's great new motion Studio 3D software and test it out in order to win great prizes from Corel, including being featured on the official Corel website, where your work will be seen by some of the most discerning eyes in the industry, and winning up to $750 worth of great software from Corel!
Nathan Davis Still Lives (Critique)
Filmmaker Dean Garris chose to explore the life of a talented musician who died too young, a blues singer/songwriter from North Carolina named Nathan Davis. In this film, he explores Davis' formative years, his lost love, his hustling love for music, the brink of fame and fortune that was swallowed by death, and the lasting impact he had on those whom he touched with his young life.
Registration Alert
During registration, please ignore the following false error:
* ERROR: Username is Already Taken. * ERROR: Email Address has already been used by another user.
This is simply a false error message which we are getting corrected. You will find that your account has been created, regardless of this error. We apologize for the inconvenience!
Using WP Migrate DB in WordPress to Transition a Local Website to an Online Website (and Back Again)
In WordPress, going from local to remote can make you want to kill yourself. At first.
MFM v2 goes live…
Long time readers of MFM have known that we've been looking to move into a new CMS system. We are happy to show that we're now in the process of unveilling the new look. While not all of the elements that are going to be unveilled will be functional just yet, we are excited to announce that the new MFM will support full comments from fans and readers, as well as a forum for members, fully community support that will allow you to interact with other filmmakers (much like a facebook for low-budget filmmakers), the ability to subscribe to feeds, articles and reviews every few days (rather than just the first of the month), and very intuitive search options that will make finding your favorite articles much easier!