Roving Telescopes: The Making of the Movie Dead Weight (User Article)

Posted by on Feb 24, 2020 in Articles, Featured, User Articles, User Content | 22 comments

His big Desert Storm Humvee is loaded to the nines with every kind of computerized gadget, tracking device, telescope, radar, scanner, viral map, night vision camera, satellite radio, and electronic gizmo ever invented. The tires look like they belong on a tanker truck. I’m sure there’s a few guns in there too, maybe the same ones we encountered yesterday. A SWAT command mobile unit wouldn’t be as loaded. “Wow!” I say as he invites me to look inside.

-Hey, so Actor-Man here tells me you guys are shooting a movie, huh? -Yeah. And you are…? -Robert, nice to meet you. We’ve been watching you. -We? Who’s we? -All us neighbors. Through our telescopes. We live in that sub-division way down there. -You have telescopes at home too? -Sure, we all have telescopes. At home, in our cars, on our guns, you name it. -Oh… -Yeah, we were wondering what you were filming. We watched you all day yesterday. -All day? You can see that far? -Sure, I can tell you what you had for lunch. -Hopefully not what I shit for lunch.

He laughs. I’m not really kidding.

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