Drag and Drop

Craig McDaniel has worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade. Serving in art department, project management, graphic design, screenwriting and directing etc. His work has carried him to the cities of Orlando, Los Angeles and Atlanta. Craig’s resume includes projects with CBS, MTV, VH1, SyFy, Turner Broadcasting, Victoria’s Secret, Coca-Cola and many more. Currently he resides in the St. Augustine Florida area and were he produces and directs local/regional media product, as well as drinking too much red wine.

Craig McDaniel has worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade. Serving in art department, project management, graphic design, screenwriting and directing etc. His work has carried him to the cities of Orlando, Los Angeles and Atlanta. Craig’s resume includes projects with CBS, MTV, VH1, SyFy, Turner Broadcasting, Victoria’s Secret, Coca-Cola and many more. Currently he resides in the St. Augustine Florida area and were he produces and directs local/regional media product, as well as drinking too much red wine.

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