Tweeting & Crowdfunding Success: Ed Burns Explains How He Used these new Technologies (Video Interview)

Posted by on Feb 28, 2013 | 2 comments

Sheri Candler interviews writer/director Edward Burns as he discusses the value of using Twitter to connect with his fans and collaborate with them on his projects…to a point.

His next project, Winter Spring Summer Fall, is now in production with a Kickstarter campaign planned to help finance the film.

Sheri Candler is the Director of Digital Marketing Strategy at LA based non profit organization The Film Collaborative. She advises independent filmmakers on how to build an artistic brand and an engaged and robust online community for their work that can be used to monetize effectively. Follow her on Twitter @shericandler


  1. Ed Burns is an inspiration to all aspiring filmmakers, no matter the age. Mr. Burns keep up the great work

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