T Stop:
A true f/stop as opposed to one dereived mathematically. It is the actual light transmission of a lens as measured on an optical bench. (Camera)
Tail Leader:
Leader used at the finish end of a strip of film. (Film Editing)
Take Down:
Reducing the light on an object by means of nets, scrims, dimmers or wasting light. (Grip/Lighting)
A machine that transfers film to a video signal. This also generically refers to the process of film-to-tape transfers.
Temp Dub:
A preliminary mixing of dialogue, music, and sound effects, usually so that a first cut may be viewed with all of these elements incorporated. (Post Production)
A standard studio 10K lighting unit, as opposed to a baby 10 or a Big Eye, which are also 10K lighting units. (Lighting)
A theatrical film exhibition sound system which maintains a consistent sound standard from theatre to theatre. Generally, this system uses Dolby Stereo Surround as the basis of the exhibition standard, although a number of other systems have also now qualified. (Sound)
Tie In:
A power feed obtained by temporarily clipping on to the main service of a location. This methodology is illegal in many areas. (Lighting)
Time Base Signal:
A signal recorded on the edge of film in a camera to match a signal recorded on a magnetic recording which is used as a fast means of synchronizing film and sound workprints.
Time Code:
Also known as Longitudinal Time Code. A high frequency signal that allows the accurate "locking" of film audio and video equipment.
The process of selecting the printing values for color and density of successive scenes in a complete film in order to produce a desired visual effect. (Laboratory)
A short publicty film which advertises a film or forthcoming presentations.
Traveling Matte:
A process shot in which foreground action is superimposed on a separately photographed background by an optical printer. (Laboratory)
Portions of a scene left over after the selected section has been used in final cutting.
A tubular, extending device which is generally used for suspending lights from set walls. (Grip/Lighting)
A flat, on the floor mount, for large lights with a junior receiver. (Grip/Lighting)
TV Safe:
The area of a filmed image which will normally appear on a home television set after a film has been transferred in a telecine and then transmitted.
A device similar to a slip pin connector, which is used on a feeder cable, and which has a positive twist connection. (Lighting)