Scripting in After Effects #2: Creating a Concussion Effect
by Ben Nash
In TV and television when someone is concussed, faint or drunk they sometimes have a view from the actors point of view which is blurred and shaky. This tutorial shows you how to use a simple expression to create this type of effect.
A video example of the concussion effect.
1. Open After Effects
2. Import your concussed/ faint footage in to a new composition
Concussed footage imported into After Effects.
3. Duplicate the footage (ctrl + d / cmd + d)
4. Change top layer footage's transparency (t key) to about 40%
5. We want the top layer footage to move on the x axis to create the effect. To do this we are going to use an expression, Alt + click on the positions (p key) stopwatch and insert the following: w = wiggle(3,200);
[w[0], value[1]]
Expression settings
Expression Explained
6. Add a motion tile effect to the top footage (search for it in the 'effects and presets' panel) and increase 'output width' to repeat edges that are revealed
Motion Tile
Ben Nash has gained a wealth of knowledge in special and visual effects that he shares with the low or no budget filmmaking community. Solving effects using in-camera techniques and the use of modern software such as Adobe After Effects. He is the creator and chief-editor of and works with many other filmmakers on projects of all sizes.