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Filmmakers Are Doin' It, Pg. 5

All four of these filmmakers have embraced the concept that the marketing tools available online are not only revolutionary in reaching out to an audience and having them respond and interact, but that using them during and after the process of content development will bring awareness of the project and help to build a community of committed followers for all future endeavors.

For more information on BUTTERFLIES, visit For RANDOM LUNACY, visit, for BARSTOOL COWBOYS, visit and for STUCK ON BROKE, visit

Butterflies Trailer.

Random Lunacy Trailer.

Sheri Candler is an inbound marketing strategist who helps independent filmmakers build identities for themselves and their films through the use of online tools. She has promoted short films, narratives and documentaries including The High Level Bridge (Toronto, Sundance, SXSW); Undertow [Contracorriente](Sundance, Frameline), Ride the Divide(Documentary Channel) and consulted with countless independent filmmakers on their content marketing and social networking strategies. Sheri is co-authoring a book , "Selling Your Film Without Selling Your Soul Presented by PreScreen-Case Studies in Hybrid, DIY and P2P Independent Distribution," due for release digitally in September 2011. Follow her at

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