The home of innovations, redrock micro also showed off the latest glass from the renown lens manufacturer, Zeiss. As many of us have noticed, the price of cinematic prime lenses has skyrocketed since the invention of the cinema lens adapter and red camera, with no end in sight. If you can’t afford to drain your 401k for a set of primes, you will be excited to see the new Zeiss Compact Cine-Primes. These are all new prime lenses, based on Zeiss ZF lenses, available in the same focal lengths as the ZFs. The handpicked glass is set in a cinema housing, marked with T-stops instead of F-stops, no click stops on the aperture, and the focus rotates the correct 'cinema' way. This will be a much more cost effective way to get a cinema lens in front of your favorite lens adapter, and they will be available for purchase through in a month or so.