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Interview with Kelley Baker, Pg. 4

JH: Yeah, we're planning to review your Sound Design training for our readers in the next few months. So, can our readers get your stuff anywhere else?

KB: Yeah, the movies are on Film Baby and, but the books you have to get through me. And you can download them for a mere $10 each. Now that's quite a deal!

Audio Picture
Duffy Epstein as Dave Patton with the 1948 Kaiser in Birddog.

JH: Your Father used to sell used cars, didn't he?

KB: You can tell?

JH: My granddad used to sell insurance and I took my tour as a computer salesman, so, yeah, I can tell. So what else are you working on?

KB: I'm glad you asked. I have a book coming out this Spring, The Angry Filmmaker's Survival Guide: Making The Extreme No-Budget Film. I am already writing it's sequel on self-distribution and marketing. I also have a script that I hope to shoot next summer and I have some odds and ends I need to finish in my editing system.

JH: So 2009's the year for slacking off, is it? Goodness, and I thought I was busy! So, any last words advice--or bits of shameless self-promotion, if you want to take a page from Kevin Smitth's book on being a media whore?

KB: Since I'm going to be going out on tour if anyone wants me to come to their town, university, theater, media arts center, or even over to their house for dinner, contact me and let's see what we can put together. I find a get a lot of bookings through word of mouth. And if you look me up on IMDB, I never worked on Inhumaniods of the Deep. I keep asking them to remove that credit and yet they don't.

Audio Picture
Ian Anderson­Priddy as Martin Johnson and Andy Cicerella as Tommy Benson in Kicking Bird.

JH: Ah, Inhumanoids of the Deep. I keep meaning to see that, but I just can't believe it'll live up to the hype. In all seriousness, have you seen the movie?

KB: No. And I mean no disrespect to those who did work on it. It might be a really good movie! A bunch of stuff is wrong on my IMDB page and I keep writing them about it. Maybe they know more about the films I worked on than I do. I don't know.

JH: Good luck on the road and pet Moses for me.

KB: I will. He loves the attention.

For those of you who want to read more about what Kelley's up to, check out his site:

JeremyHankePicture The director of two feature length films and half a dozen short films, Jeremy Hanke founded Microfilmmaker Magazine to help all no-budget filmmakers make better films. His first book on low-budget special effects techniques, GreenScreen Made Easy, (which he co-wrote with Michele Yamazaki) was released by MWP to very favorable reviews. He's curently working on the sci-fi film franchise, World of Depleted through Depleted: Day 419 and the feature film, Depleted.

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