Cut the 1 1/2" angle into (6) 1 1/2" long pieces. Round the one side per the diagram. Clean edges.
Cut the 1 ½” flat bar into (2) 2” long pieces. Clean.
From the 7/8" square dowel, cut (16) 1 1/4" long pieces. *NOTE* if you cannot find 7/8" square dowel (you may have to look at furniture-building suppliers or specialty/hobby stores) you may also cut a 1" square down--But trust me, it's tricky, exacting, and VERY time consuming....But it CAN be done...This is what I had to do.
Mark the 18" 'Bones' on each end- 5/8" from the end, dead center...Do the same with the 4" 'Joints', and the 3" 'Vest Mounts'.
On the 18" Bones, using the drill press and Pilot bit, drill a small hole exactly on center of the marks on each end--You can drill all the way through and mark both sides at once. Do the same on the 4" Joints and 3" Vest Mounts. Clean edges with Dremel and/or metal file.
On the 18" Bones, using the drill press and 7/8" drill bit or hole saw, cut out holes on either end, using pilot holes as guides...This is one of the most difficult parts--Take your time!! Afterwards, drill a hole through one side of each Bone--1 1/2" from the end...Using 3/16" drill bit. Clean edges.
On the 4" Joints, cut 7/8" holes in top side, and drill out bottom side with 3/8" metal drill bit. Clean edges.
On the 3" Vest Mounts, do the same--ONLY ON ONE END. Leave the other end blank for now.
On 8 of the 1 1/4" dowel pieces, mark the dead center of two opposing sides (not including the ends). Using the Drill press and Forstner bit, drill out the bearing space on both sides--to a depth of 3/16". This creates a part called a "Bearing Carrier", these being the "two-sided" variety.