These instructions are for the Shure FP33 field mixer. However, you can follow these same steps for any mixer that has similar features such as tone and mic/line settings.
mixer sound inputs.
STEP 1: Hook Up Mics
Use XLR cable to plug each mic (or sound source) into a mixer input.
If your mic needs power to operate, turn on the mixer’s “phantom power” switch.
Set your input signal level to “mic” for microphones and set it to “line” for most other devices.
Plug in your headphones. Turn mixer power on. Use only fresh premium brand batteries and keep at least two extra sets of batteries on standby.
camera sound inputs.
STEP 2: Hook Up Camera
Run XLR cables from the mixer’s right and left outputs into the matching camera inputs. (*On DV cameras left is Channel 1 and right is Channel 2.)
Set the mixer output signal level to mic or line.
Next, set your camera signal level the same as the mixer output at either mic or line.
mic-line switches.
(*If you are ever unsure of which type of signal level to use, listen to your headphones as you switch between mic and line. Only one will sound normal, the other will sound very soft and faint or very loud and distorted. Go with the normal one.)