4.) Next, I inserted a Defocus node. I added a slight blur to the pixels to they are not so sharp and defined. For this example I have the pixels parameter set to 3.5. Yours will depend on the resolution of your project.
5.) Now go and create a RGrad node. We will use this to constrain the smoke and particles to only be visible inside of the RGrad. To do this, we will use an Inside node found in the Layer tab.
6.) I adjusted the parameters of the RGrad to falloff quickly. These are the settings that I used.
One important thing to point out was that I adjust the Aspect Ratio parameter. I currently have it set to 0.555, This takes the RGrad and stretches it out to look like an oval. This was done to fit with the shape of the flame. If you have a flame that is facing directly at the camera, you can adjust this parameter to be more round or oval depending on what the flame looks like.
7.) Now create a Inside node and attach the Rand into the first input and the RGrad into the second input. This ensures that the Rand image is only visible where the RGrad is visible. If you need to learn more about this node, check the manual... it’s a great resource.
8.) Now we will create a fractal pattern that we will use for smoke. I am using the S_Textures node in the Genarts tab to this. Remember, if you don't have Genarts, you can create a fractal in any app you want and import into Shake to use in your comp. Make sure that your fractal pattern is animated so it isn't the same image appearing every time.
9.) You can adjust the parameters to make a fractal that makes you happy, but there is one important parameter that needs to be adjusted. It is called the FoldAmp parameter. You should change this parameter to 0. When you first create the node, you will get a swirly type of effect. Lowering the fold amp will correct this. Here are my parameters:
I added a Mult node underneath the texture node to give it a yellow tint, which could also be done by changing the Color1 color in the S_Textures parameters.
10.) Now you can add another Inside node after the Mult, and connect the same RGrad as before to the second input. Then screen the dust and the smoke together.