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How To Make a Shotgun Shock Mount, Pg. 2

Above you can see it with one ring completed.

Here is the completed shock mount. Notice that I criss crossed the bands around the microphone, a Sennheiser MKH416T. These are standard hobby rubber bands but you could use swank black rubber ones or bungee type if you like. It looks just like the Sennhiser MZS-CAM mount, but larger, beefier and ready to handle a large shotgun microphone.

Here is a view of the bottom. Now for the mounting.

I chose to mount it to a standard microphone holder, the kind that screws onto a mic. stand, since I had a bunch lying around. First I cut off the "wings" of the mic. holder, ie: the plastic parts that actually hold the microphone. Than I drilled several holes in a line through the base of the shock mount in the middle. A drill press came in handy and allowed me to control the drill and use it to grind out a nice even space for the mic. holder piece to slide down through. You will have to take the mic. holder off of the screw mount by unscrewing the black slotted screw pictured below. I didn't take pictures while doing this process so I hope all of this is clear or you can deduce what needs to be done via the images.

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