Complete Training for Particular 2 is hosted by Harry J. Frank. Frank is a designer who, among other things, works for Red Giant Software (creators of Particular). As is the case for all good tutorials, when watching a masterful designer work, you are bound to pick up some design tips that are applicable outside of just the program being taught. Right out of the gate Frank shows the viewer some useful short cuts and workflow strategies that help him move along swiftly within After Effects.
Frank employs the tutorial style that I like best, the follow-along. After Effects projects are included by lesson, so you can easily follow-along with Frank as he explains different settings, tips and tricks to working with Particular 2.
Frank's instruction is thorough, entertaining, and cuts to the chase. The viewer moves swiftly from a straight explanation of options to a detailed how-to for real-world projects.
Complete Training offers a wealth of information. What makes this info so valuable is that it goes far above and beyond just explaining each setting in Particular 2. The first 3 lessons go over basics, explaining how particle systems work and the key functions of getting started with Particular 2. The meat of Complete Training starts with lesson 4, where Frank starts getting hands-on with real-world projects. From this point on, viewers learn everything from how to enhance transitions and create particle backgrounds to fun stuff like creating realistic complex explosions.