We all believe that we'd love to be famous someday,
have people asking us for our autograph or a picture,
walk down a red carpet in a stunning designer outfit
with some gorgeous man or woman on our elbow
it's not really like that. Joy and Jude find themselves
at a place in their lives where they didn't exactly
expect to end up, and in a way they weren't counting
on. And once they figure out where to go, they're not
quite sure how to get there from where they are. How
many times does that happen to us? Someone who's been
a manager for fifteen years realizes that they don't
like their job, but it's all they've ever known to do;
they decide they'd really like to start teaching, but
have no idea how to change from where they are now.
is in this sense that the movie has a strong lasting
appeal. Like other films such as American Beauty,
it deals with the struggle between who we really are
and who we project ourselves to be; and also between
how we perceive others to be versus how they really
are. It is for these reasons that I would recommend
this movie to my friends.
The visual look of the movie is artistic and creative,
a very appropriate setting for two lost, invisible celebrities
to try to help each other sort out their problems and
their lives. The acting is excellent and the dialogue
flows well and is believable. The struggles of the main
characters are not limited to just models and singers,
but are ones that most people can relate to, in some
fashion. It is a great movie for it's budget and I would
recommend others to watch it.