Christopher Drews has assembled a dynamic resume piece here. The film will invariably be popular on the film festival circuit, and I predict will be an Award Winner. It also marks the promising presence of Kym Jackson.
The film is admittedly music video-esque in its style, but that isn’t to its detriment. It might serve as a fine springboard to a feature-length script about Ashley, who could be a dynamic, strong character in a world that sorely needs a female Jason Bourne. While the film’s MacGuffiny nature drags it down somewhat, and the character of Peter needs another draft or two before the film begins firing on all cylinders, it is a piece that all involved should take pride in.
A well crafted neo-noir hampered by a flat lead character and too many MacGuffins, “Kiss from Calcutta” does feature a surprisingly engaging female lead and moments of true inspiration.