What if Napoleon Dynamite actually had nunchuku skills? Or if Dungeons and Dragons actually empowered its players? In the quite unlikely event of this happening, you'd probably get something like the movie Weekend Warriors.
Ron and Jack, two nobodies who work at a burger joint, somehow stumble on some supernatural powers. After making himself a skull staff, Jack accidentally opens up a portal to a demon who promises him good looks in exchange for re-opening the portal. Ron, meanwhile, is sitting at home eating nachos when he is suddenly possessed by the Archangel Michael and finds himself smiting demons, until he shows up late for work.
The characters in Weekend Warriors are delightfully odd and quirky - very Napoleon Dynamite in nature. The film didn't have much of a plot, but that worked well with its silly and haphazard nature. The dialogue was funny in a "normal" sort of way (in other words, it was rambling and casual like a real conversation.)
One of the characters, Jimmy the manager, is also very funny. She is shorter than Ron and Jack and has to stand on a box to yell at them. Half of her speeches are also done in a foreign language, and yet Ron and Jack seem to perfectly understand what she is saying. She's a great character, but her fast talking makes it hard to understand her, even when she's talking in English. Perhaps it would be better to have her talk in a foreign language with captions the entire time.
One other thing I noticed is that Jack initially used a skull staff to open a dark portal, and yet later on in the movie he's seen with an evil Barbie doll that becomes his instrument of evil. The doll is never explained, so even though it was funny (and in my opinion, very appropriate) to use a Barbie doll as an instrument of evil, it should have been been explained, or Jack should have used the skull staff as the audience had already seen it. (Or we need another scene where the skull staff becomes a Barbie doll, ala Terminator 2, but that seems like an awful lot of CG work to fit a plot hole.)