Use of Audio
As with the visual elements, Girl with Gun has very good audio. The dialogue was clear and easy to understand, and there was some very good – and consistent – ambient sound. Their choice to use first person narration was also a good one. First person narration does a lot to build up one’s main character, especially when one is limited by time.
I really appreciated that these filmmakers included a soundtrack in their submission, as the music in this film was great.
Use of Budget
At $20,000, Girl with Gun is definitely on the more expensive end of some of the short movies that we’ve reviewed here. At first glance, that seems like an awful to of money for just a 15-minute short, however after watching the film it’s easy to see why there was such a high price tag.
The film really has an amazing visual look, which must have taken a lot of time and money to perfect during production. There was also the martial arts fight scene - during which the ninja actually climbs up the side of a wall – which must have been difficult to put together. I’d be curious to know if the filmmakers intend to do anything else with Girl with Gun, such as attempt to make it into a feature-length film. I think there might be some potential to the storyline, and extending it, adding some background to the characters, and perhaps even losing some of the narration may really help get rid of the more clichéd elements that currently exist in this short. The good thing, however, is that this short is of very good quality, and if these filmmakers sent it in to studios, they might be able to get some financial backing to make the feature-length movie.
Lasting Appeal
As I’ve mentioned before, this is visually a beautiful film, with some great special effects and a very good soundtrack. There would probably be a lot of people who would find it entertaining, but there might be a good number of people who would find it all too clichéd.
To be honest, I find the character of Gwen annoying. She seems too Nancy Drew – too perfect. And some of her voice-overs are very, very cheesy. For instance, at the end of the film, while reflecting on her life, she says, “It’s silly chasing rainbows, but they sure are pretty to look at.” Honestly, I think that line needs to go. I think Girl with Gun would be better with more special effects and less, well, cheese.
Overall Comment
This film has definite potential. These filmmakers show a very clear mastery of the craft, and I am very impressed at what they managed to achieve on a microfilm budget. It’s visually entertaining, and could probably find quite a following. I’d encourage both cast and crew to explore the possibility of turning this short into a feature film – they definitely have the talent to pull it off!
Content |
5.7 |
Look |
9.3 |
of Audio |
9.7 |
of Budget |
8.0 |
Appeal |
6.0 |
Score |
author of half a dozen screen plays, two novels, and a proficient
camera-woman in her own right, Monika
DeLeeuw-Taylor is Microfilmmaker's lead writing analyst and
one of our top film reviewers. When she's not writing a critique for
Microfilmmaker, she's writing screenplays for Viking Productions.