Ren: The Girl with the Mark is an award-winning web series remarkable for the high production values it achieves on a micro-budget. A newly released video gives a behind-the-scenes view into filming one of the show’s biggest sequences.
Behind the Magic: How to Cut a Behind-the-Scenes Featurette (Article/Tutorial)
Despite my big plan to quit editing last year, I somehow ended up cutting nearly all the behind-the-scenes material for Ren, including a dozen YouTube videos and 30-odd exclusive set diaries which have just been released for sale. Guess I just have a fondness for BTS stuff.
Promoting Your Creation: How to Make an Electronic Press Kit (Tutorial)
Lately I’ve been working on the electronic press kit for Kate Madison’s web series, Ren. An EPK is a collection of footage that a broadcaster can use to edit their own piece about your film or series.
Gender Differences: Creating Masculine & Feminine Lighting in Ren – The Girl with the Mark (Article)
A few days into my tenure as DP on Kate Madison’s ambitious fantasy series, Ren, we filmed a shot/reverse for one of the opening scenes. The scene introduced us to the eponymous Ren (Sophie Skelton) and her friend Karn (Christopher Dane).
Kate described Ren to me as “pure innonence”, while Karn is an older, more worldly character with a difficult past. It seemed to me like classic femine and masculine lighting were called for. Classic feminine lighting is designed to create a soft, flawless, often shadowless face. Classic masculine lighting enhances jaw definition, embraces lines and skin texture and generally creates a rugged look.
Neither Rain nor Sleet: Shooting in a Downpour (Tips/Tutorial)
Rain. How we’d love to go inside and have a cup of tea when the old British precipitation interrupts a shoot, but quite often the schedule demands that we carry on regardless. Here are a few tips for filming in the wet stuff. Cover the Camera
If you don’t have a proper rain cover, a transparent recycling bag with a couple of holes cut in it will usually do the job, but have someone hold an umbrella over the camera at all times as added protection. If you have them, put on a matte box and top flag to keep rain off the lens.
Socializing Success: Marketing an Online Film With No Budget (Article)
My name is James G. Wall and I made the feature film, ‘The Truth About Romance’. The film was released on YouTube and in one year it has reached over half a million views. This is an incredible achievement, one that I never thought would happen, when you consider the film is 90 minutes long, has no star names, made by a guy nobody knows and has no marketing budget, why would anybody watch it?