When it comes to digital cinema, every camera manufacturer in the past few years has been chasing Red’s rocket-like growth. As a one-time upstart, the company successfully upended market verticals from high-end cinema to mid-range industrial productions, challenging established rivals.
MAXON Announces Availability of CINEMA 4D Release 15 (Press Release)
MAXON today announced immediate availability of CINEMA 4D Release 15 (R15), a milestone release of its flagship 3D motion graphics, visual effects, painting, and rendering software application. Marked by new features and powerful 3D workflow enhancements to modeling, text creation, digital sculpting, advanced rendering optimization -- including all-new network rendering capabilities -- Release 15 expresses the company’s commitment to deliver its customer community with continued innovation and the most advanced 3D creative solutions in the industry. Ideally suited to broadcast motion graphics and visual effects artists, game developers, architects and designers seeking...
Adobe Unveils Major Update to Creative Cloud (Press Release)
Adobe today announced a significant update to Adobe® Creative Cloud™, the company’s flagship offering for creatives. Available in June and packed with new features, Creative Cloud reimagines the creative process through a stunning set of “CC” desktop applications and sophisticated cross-device collaboration and publishing capabilities. Creative files can be stored, synced and shared, via Creative Cloud, on Mac OS, Windows, iOS and Android; and Behance...
NAB 2013: AJ Wedding’s Recap (News)
The latest trend is to reach out with the same cutting edge technology to both consumers and pros alike, offering near or exact versions to both target markets. No more highly publicized example of this is Apple's move with Final Cut X.
GenCon 2012 – Day 2 Events (News)
GenCon offers films for viewing, gaming activities, live music and more as there are events scheduled 24 hours a day (the con never shuts down during the entire four days…never).
GenCon 2012 – Day 1 Events (News)
GenCon's tag line is, "The Best Four Days in Gaming". They have earned every right to that tagline. GenCon celebrated its 45th convention this year and has plans to keep going another 45 and more. I'm here for three of the four days and I am having incredible fun time gaming, seeing great films, learning new techniques and tips, and meeting people.