Neither Rain nor Sleet: Shooting in a Downpour (Tips/Tutorial)

Posted by on Apr 17, 2015 in Articles, Behind-the-Scenes, Featured, General, Retrospectives, Specific Projects, Tips, Tutorials | 1 comment

Rain. How we’d love to go inside and have a cup of tea when the old British precipitation interrupts a shoot, but quite often the schedule demands that we carry on regardless. Here are a few tips for filming in the wet stuff. Cover the Camera

If you don’t have a proper rain cover, a transparent recycling bag with a couple of holes cut in it will usually do the job, but have someone hold an umbrella over the camera at all times as added protection. If you have them, put on a matte box and top flag to keep rain off the lens.

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Storming The Globe: Sony Promotes ‘Never Before Seen’ to Promote New Action Cam (Industry/Press Release)

Posted by on Apr 14, 2015 in Featured, Industry, MicroFilmmaking, News, Press Releases | 0 comments

The film 'Creature' was one of the first films to be shot entirely with the Action Cam.

The film ‘Creature’ was one of the first films to be shot entirely with the Action Cam.

US campaign commissions over 20 films shot on Action Cams by directors all over the world

Sony Action Cam has teamed up with a diverse range of filmmakers, artists and influencers to create a series of new films celebrating the “never before seen”. Ranging from crafty experiments and audacious stunts to short documentaries, sports adventures and scripted short stories, the films celebrate creativity in all its forms and use Action Cams to provide unique new perspectives on the production process and the stories themselves.

The campaign launched on March 23rd with the debut of three films: “Picture Machine”, “Paperports” and “Creature”. Directed by Studio Nos, Charles Young and Ryan Dzierzek respectively, the variation between the three films is a good indicator of the campaign’s overall breadth. “Picture Machine” documents the construction of a reverse zoetrope, “Paperports” lets us peek into the work and process of Young’s intricate miniature paper architecture practice, and “Creature” tells the tale of a mutant reptile on the loose. read more

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Creating Content & Helping Fans Connect: Blogging Tips (Tips/Tutorial)

Posted by on Apr 10, 2015 in Articles, Behind-the-Scenes, Featured, General, Tips, Tutorials, Walk Throughs | 0 comments

I recently passed the milestone of my 1,000th blog post, and many people have asked me how I have the discipline to keep writing posts week in, week out. I think the key is to see it as an opportunity, not an obligation: an opportunity to connect with and help others in your field; an opportunity to promote yourself; an opportunity to marshal your thoughts and solidify things you’ve learnt by communicating them to others. Sometimes I see my blog as a giant virtual notebook – I’m just keeping my notes publicly – and I often refer back to my own posts to remind myself how I did something or what mistakes I need to avoid this time around.

“But I don’t have anything to write about,” is a common refrain. I doubt this is true. I’m constantly surprised that I manage to keep coming up with ideas for posts, but there is nothing special about me. If I can do it, you can do it too...

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Urban Dungeon Crawling: How to Make a Fantasy Action Movie for £28,000 (Tutorial/Video)

Posted by on Apr 3, 2015 in Articles, Behind-the-Scenes, Featured, Tips | 0 comments

The last of the Soul Searcher anniversary featurettes is a completely frank and open breakdown of the budget.

Find out how I raised the money, what I offered my investors, what distribution deals were put on the table, how much the film made worldwide and how much of that money came back to me (you may be shocked). Most importantly, discover exactly what was spent on each element of the budget, from travel and catering to make-up and lighting.

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Woodfalls (Straight Shooter Film Review)

Posted by on Apr 2, 2015 in Featured, Reviews, Straight Shooter Reviews (Feature Narrative) | 0 comments

The Marr family--Irish gypsies, known as “Travellers”--camp outside the rural town of Woodfalls. Unwelcome by the townsfolk, a feud erupts between the eldest boy traveller, Billy (Matthew Ferdenzi), and Damon (Gareth Bennett-Ryan), the son of a local criminal leader. When Billy’s sister, Rebecca (Michelle Crane), goes missing, things begin to spin out of control for all involved...

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