What is the purpose of your story? A basic question, but one that should rest at the foundation of every piece of content created for consumer consumption. A question whose answer is very very important when looking at how to spread your story purpose. The digital age and creation of multiple forms of technology has changed the way people create content and the way people consume story. Creators were limited to how they could push their story (print, radio, television/movies). Digital changed the game. There are many ways to deliver story and trying to find the right one is not easy. Viral marketing campaigns are one form that work well with the digital platform.
Lighting & Cinematography Basics: Where to Put Your Key Light (Tips/Tutorial)
What angle the key light hits a character at is a KEY (groan) decision for a director of photography. The lighting featurette [I posted on my site a while back] looked at some of the options, but today I’d like to expand on those with some more up-to-date examples.
Imagine a clock face. You’re looking down on the scene and your talent is at the center with their eyeline to twelve o’clock.
CrossMedia Snapshots: An Introduction to the World of Interactive Stories (Article/Editorial)
If you've read my posts on the MFM facebook page, you know I've introduced the concept of an ARG (Alternate Reality Game) very briefly awhile back when talking about the crossplatform project DIG by USA Network. ARGs are just one way to deliver content and story to a consumer (AKA the audience).
Kicking Out The Sun: How To Black Out Windows (Article/Tutorial)
Sometimes when shooting indoors, you need to make day look like night. And believe it or not, there’s an art to blacking out windows.
Light is like water: it leaks in through the tiniest crack, and you need to appreciate that if you’re going to black out a window successfully. Here are my tips.
Neither Rain nor Sleet: Shooting in a Downpour (Tips/Tutorial)
Rain. How we’d love to go inside and have a cup of tea when the old British precipitation interrupts a shoot, but quite often the schedule demands that we carry on regardless. Here are a few tips for filming in the wet stuff. Cover the Camera
If you don’t have a proper rain cover, a transparent recycling bag with a couple of holes cut in it will usually do the job, but have someone hold an umbrella over the camera at all times as added protection. If you have them, put on a matte box and top flag to keep rain off the lens.
Creating Content & Helping Fans Connect: Blogging Tips (Tips/Tutorial)
I recently passed the milestone of my 1,000th blog post, and many people have asked me how I have the discipline to keep writing posts week in, week out. I think the key is to see it as an opportunity, not an obligation: an opportunity to connect with and help others in your field; an opportunity to promote yourself; an opportunity to marshal your thoughts and solidify things you’ve learnt by communicating them to others. Sometimes I see my blog as a giant virtual notebook – I’m just keeping my notes publicly – and I often refer back to my own posts to remind myself how I did something or what mistakes I need to avoid this time around.
“But I don’t have anything to write about,” is a common refrain. I doubt this is true. I’m constantly surprised that I manage to keep coming up with ideas for posts, but there is nothing special about me. If I can do it, you can do it too...