“The Depths” blew audiences away at the Manhattan Film Festival where it won Best Feature Film. Telling the story of two men desperate for success, “The Depths” follows wannabe screenwriters Mickey Hansen (Patch Darragh, “Sully”) and Ray Ferguson (Michael Rispoli, “Sopranos”) who decide to fully explore the depths of murder and crime as part of their writing process.
Sigma Ships Five Prime Art Lenses for Sony E-mount Cameras with Full-Frame Sensors (User Press Release)
Sigma Corporation of America, a leading still photo and cinema lens, camera, flash and accessory manufacturer, today announced availability of five of its interchangeable Art prime lenses for Sony E-mount camera systems
Sigma Announces Interchangeable Lenses for Sony E-Mount Cameras; Introduces Brand New 105mm F1.4 Art and 70mm F2.8 Macro Art Lenses; Releases Firmware Update V2 for Canon Aberration Correction (User Press Release)
Sigma Corporation today made the following announcements: Launch of interchangeable lenses for Sony E-mount camera systems with full-frame sensors; Introduction of Sigma 105mm F1.4 DG HSM Art; Introduction of Sigma 70mm F2.8 DG MACRO HSM Art; and a new firmware version 2.00 for Canon digital cameras with Lens Aberration Correction
Sigma Unveils New 14-24mm F2.8 Art Lens (User Press Release)
Sigma Corporation today announced the brand new 14-24mm F2.8 DG HSM Art wide aperture zoom lens. In addition to the new Global Vision full-frame lens model, Sigma also announced a new front conversion service for the 14-24mm F2.8.
Dalet Galaxy Federates IMF Interoperability Showcase at 2018 HPA Tech Retreat
The leading Media Asset Management and Orchestration platform features production-ready, componentized workflows from acquisition to distribution